FS Approaches – Italy Demo


FS Approaches Italy offers a realistic collection of multi-crew air missions that replicate real-life flight operations. The missions offer an immersive and realistic flight experience in one of the most important phases of flight.

You can now test for free one of the missions included in the pack: LIMF – TORINO CASELLE ILS 36-Y Via TOP transition

Experience a new and deeper dimension to the usual landing challenges. FS Approach series is an extended version of the traditional ones.

Our new Landing Challenges allow you to fly the complete approach procedure (visual or instrumental) and still receive a score upon completion.

Each mission begins with the aircraft at cruising altitude. You will receive the approach assignment from ATC according to the actual published procedures.

Each mission uses its own radio communication system between crew and Air Traffic, with over 100 sounds recorded.

Landing challenges have never been so sophisticated and realistic!

Full pack available here: https://www.simulshop.com/product/fs-approaches-italy/

